Matcha Sol Organic Green Tea - Website design
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Website for Matcha-Sol Organic Green Tea.

Originally consumed by Zen Buddhist monks to remain alert and calm during long hours of meditation, the 1000+ year old Chinese ceremonial tradition of matcha green tea has become the new go-to drink for it’s many health and lifestyle benefits. With over 137 times more antioxidants than regular green tea, just one serving of matcha contains the nutritional equivalent of 10 cups of green tea.

On a quest to kick a coffee habit, Matcha-Sol’s founder Laurren Gilliland discovered that Matcha increased alertness, sharpened focus and left her feeling lighter and brighter than ever, but most importantly without the unwanted side-effects of coffee.

For the Matcha-Sol website we aimed to create an emotive, mood-based site, capturing the lifestyle, the ceremony and the ritual of organic ground matcha tea.

Matcha Sol Organic Green Tea - Website design
Matcha Sol Organic Green Tea - Website design
Matcha Sol Organic Green Tea - Website design
Matcha Sol Organic Green Tea - Website design
Matcha Sol Organic Green Tea - Website design
Matcha Sol Organic Green Tea - Website design
Matcha Sol Organic Green Tea - Website design
Matcha Sol Organic Green Tea - Website design